Engineering Technology and Applied Science

Nature of the Work

Electromechanical engineering technicians combine knowledge of mechanical technology with knowledge of electrical and electronic circuits. They install, troubleshoot, repair, and upgrade electronic and computer-controlled mechanical systems such as robotic assembly machines.

Electrical engineering technicians have knowledge of electrical, digital, and electronic circuits. They install, troubleshoot, repair, and upgrade electronic and digital devices including microcontroller, microprocessors, digital signal processing devices and computer programming of electrical and electronic equipment.

Environmental Engineering Technology graduates work in a variety of settings, including environmental consulting firms where environmental sampling and testing are conducted on the natural environment, land planning firms where the environmental impact of development is assessed, and corporations where environmental compliance and impact needs to be monitored.

Civil Engineering Technology graduates can work in civil engineering and land planning firms to help design, draft, and manage infrastructure projects such as water distribution, wastewater collection, Transportaion, and site design. Daily tasks can include land surveying computer-aided design (CAD) work, erosion control planning and construction observation.