Catalog 2023-2024

Personal Safety and Crime Prevention

All members of the campus community share responsibility for ensuring their personal safety and securing their personal property. Athens Technical College places a priority on safety and security through its commitment to providing a safe and secure environment. The majority of crimes occurring on college campuses across the United States are preventable crimes of opportunity.

Following these safety tips helps reduce the chance of becoming a victim of crime:

  • Avoid dark, secluded places when alone.
  • Walk with others, making sure to stay in well-lit areas.
  • Lock car doors while on campus and keep valuables locked in the automobile trunks and/or out of sight.
  • Tell someone where you are going and when you can be expected to return.
  • Vary your route and schedule if you exercise outdoors on a regular basis.
  • Do not overload yourself with books or other items; keep your hands free.
  • Carry a purse close to your body, preferably in front, and be prepared to let it go if snatched.
  • Give thieves what they want if you are confronted by thieves; do not pursue the thieves.
  • Get a detailed description and call campus security at (706) 621-9860 or (706) 621-9817 on the Athens Campus or (706) 213-2100 on the Elbert County Campus or the police immediately. If the incident occurs at the Walton Campus (770-207-3130), please notify the respective director or local police immediately.
  • Never leave laptop computers, textbooks, cellular telephones, book bags, purses, or other valuables unattended in classrooms, the library, common study areas, or outdoor spaces.
  • Head to an area with other people present if a stranger approach you and you feel concerned or uncomfortable.

Students and employees should participate in safety seminars offered throughout the academic year. The director of student activities posts notices announcing these seminars on bulletin boards around campus, the electronic message boards, and the college website.