Catalog 2023-2024

Veterinary Technology

Program Requirements

Program faculty members recommend that applicants to the Veterinary Technology program have volunteer or paid practical experience under the supervision of a licensed veterinary technician or licensed Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. While there is no specific requirement for the number of hours of experience, it is important that applicants be fully aware of the profession and job requirements prior to seeking admission to the program.

Students who intend to submit an application for possible entry into the Veterinary Technology program must gain general admission to the college, and this may occur during any academic term to complete learning support and required general education and health core courses needed to qualify as an applicant to the program. Prospective students are generally admitted as Healthcare Science majors to complete such coursework.

The Veterinary Technology program uses a competitive admission process to select students. Students are admitted once per year to begin program specific (VETT) courses at the beginning of fall semester. Applicants must submit all required documentation for program admission to the Admissions Office by May 15 to receive consideration in the selection process for the year they seek admission to the program.

The number of students accepted into the program is limited to 20 students each year. Applicants not selected for the program may reapply during subsequent admission intake periods. There is no waiting list between intake periods; applicants must complete the application process for each attempt for entry into the program. Applicants who are on academic probation or academically dismissed from the college as of the May 15 application deadline will not be considered for admission.

To receive consideration for admission to the Veterinary Technology program, applicants must submit the following information to the Admissions Office by the May 15 deadline:

  • Completed and signed application for admission to the college and $25 nonrefundable application fee.
  • Official high school or GED transcripts and/or official college transcripts from all colleges attended in the past. A minimum grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale is required on college work attempted in order to be eligible for consideration for admission to the program.
  • Valid ACCUPLACER, COMPASS, ASSET, SAT, or ACT test scores.
  • Proof of legal presence in the United States.
  • Electronically submitted Veterinary Technology Intent Form. Blank forms are available on the college website.
  • Valid Assessment Technologies Institute Test of Essential Academic Skills (ATI TEAS) test scores. To be considered valid, test scores must be less than five years old on the application deadline date.
  • Official birth certificates, passports, driver's licenses, or state issued photo identification cards to document that applicants are at least 18 years old.
  • Completed signature form included in the Veterinary Technology Program Policies and Procedures Manual confirming that applicants have reviewed and understood the material included in the manual. Manuals relevant to each year’s application cycle are usually posted by early spring.
  • Signed document acknowledging that the commission of a felony may prevent graduates from becoming registered veterinary technicians in the State of Georgia and acknowledging that they may be required to complete drug testing and/or background checks at their own expense prior to participating in internships, practicums, or clinical activities at certain host sites for these activities (see Drug Testing/Background Checks). Blank forms are available on the college website.
  • Completed signature form acknowledging the Understanding of a Career in Veterinary Medicine.

Applicants must complete college algebra (MATH 1111), biology (BIOL 1111 and BIOL 1111L), chemistry (CHEM 1211 and CHEM 1211L), and composition and rhetoric (ENGL 1101) or equivalent courses with final course grades of C or higher prior to the application deadline. Applicants transferring from other colleges/universities must confirm the transferability of equivalent coursework with the Director of Registration and Records before the May 15 application deadline. 

Because performance in math and science has proven to be an excellent predictor of success in the Veterinary Technology program and because communications skills contribute greatly to achieving that success, applicants will be ranked using the following criteria:

After May 15, the selection committee will review all applicants' records. During the month of June, notification letters will be mailed via US Postal Service to applicants. NOTE: It is the applicant's responsibility to make certain that a current mailing address is on file with the College.

Applicants invited to join the program at the end of the selection process will be required to attend a scheduled, mandatory Veterinary Technology Student Orientation prior to the beginning of the fall semester for which they have been accepted (typically in July). Failure to attend or to make alternate arrangements with the Veterinary Technology Program Chair will result in the forfeiture of admission to the program.

At the beginning of the Fall Semester when students begin VETT courses, they must submit the following documents to the Veterinary Technology program chair:

  • A completed Veterinary Technology Physical Examination Form by a qualified healthcare provider with the results of a recent medical physical examination that is less than six months old and a physician statement indicating that the student is in satisfactory health to work with animals.  Physical Examination Forms will be distributed by the Program Chair at the mandatory New Veterinary Technology Student Orientation (typically in July) and/or through the United States Postal Service.
  • Verification of malpractice insurance.
  • Proof of immunization records for Rabies and Tetanus Vaccines.

By August 31 of their first semester of enrollment, students will be required to submit official immunization records proving they have received vaccines against rabies and tetanus. Failure to submit official immunization records from a healthcare provider by August 31 will result in dismissal from the program.

Readmission Policy

  • If students withdraw from the program for any reason, they must follow the steps detailed under Life Sciences Programs Readmission. Students seeking re-entry into Veterinary Technology will be required to complete all conditions of a program-specific individualized program of study plan. In addition, students seeking readmission will abide by all college and program-based policies and procedures in place at the time of their request for readmission.

Residency Policy

  • Only in the event that the program slots cannot be filled with Georgia residents who meet the minimum admissions criteria can out-of-state students be admitted to the Veterinary Technology program.