Catalog 2024-2025

Academic Honesty Policy

Academic honesty is essential to the individual growth and development of students at Athens Technical College. Upon admission to the college, each student is obligated to uphold the highest ethical standards in academic endeavors. Athens Technical College has a responsibility for ensuring that the grades assigned are indicative of the knowledge and skill level of each student. Acts of academic dishonesty hinder the college's ability to fulfill this responsibility. Faculty members have the primary responsibility of ensuring that academic honesty is maintained in the courses they teach. Students share the responsibility for maintaining academic honesty by refraining from acts of academic dishonesty, and by notifying instructors of observed or known incidents of academic dishonesty committed by others. Students who fail to report incidents of academic dishonesty are subject to being charged with violating this academic honesty policy.

Athens Technical College has established the following procedures for addressing violations of academic honesty.