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Catalog 2024-2025
Catalog 2024-2025
> BARB - Barbering
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BARB - Barbering
BARB 1000 Introduction to Barbering/Styling Implements
BARB 1010 Science: Sterilization, Sanitation, and Bacteriology
BARB 1022 Haircutting and Shampooing I
BARB 1024 Haircutting and Shampooing II
BARB 1030 Haircutting/Basic Styling
BARB 1040 Shaving
BARB 1050 Science: Anatomy and Physiology
BARB 1060 Introduction to Color Theory/Color Application
BARB 1072 Introduction to Chemical Restructing of Hair
BARB 1074 Advanced Chemical Restructuring of Hair
BARB 1082 Practicum I
BARB 1084 Practicum II
BARB 1090 Facial and Facial Treatments
BARB 1100 Barbering/Styling Practicum and Internship
BARB 1110 Shop Mangement/Ownership