Catalog 2023-2024

Instructor's Meeting with Student

An instructor who has evidence that a student has committed an act of academic dishonesty must meet with the student as described below or during the week of final exams may report the violation to the vice president for student affairs. In meeting with the student, the instructor must present and explain the evidence of the violations of the academic honesty policy and allow the student to respond to the evidence. The instructor will then offer the student two options – to accept the charges or request a mediated discussion to review the charges with a trained facilitator. If the student accepts the charges, the student may receive a grade of zero points for all or part of that assignment or another suitable but less severe penalty, depending on the circumstances of the offense and as decided upon by the instructor. At the conclusion of the meeting, the instructor and student will sign a completed copy of the Violation of Academic Honesty Policy notification form. If the report is made directly to the vice president for student affairs, then the vice president will schedule a mediated discussion and will notify the student of the meeting date and time.

The instructor is responsible for:

  • Providing the student with a copy of all documents pertaining to the alleged violation.
  • Informing the student of his or her right to dispute the charges and thus to participate in a mediated discussion.
  • Informing the student of his or her right to rescind the signed notification form by submitting a written statement to this effect to the vice president for student affairs within five business days of the meeting with the instructor.
  • Sending a copy of the completed and signed notification form to the vice president for student affairs within 24 hours of the meeting with the student.

In certain instances such as when the alleged violation occurs during a final exam, the instructor may elect to submit all materials to document the violation to the vice president for student affairs without holding a meeting with the student. The vice president will then schedule a mediated discussion as outlined below.