Catalog 2023-2024

Second Offenses

Upon receiving the notification from the instructor, the vice president for student affairs will determine whether this incident constitutes a second acknowledgement by the student that he or she has violated this academic honesty policy. If it is determined that the incident is the first time the student has violated the academic honesty policy, the vice president for student affairs will send a certified letter to the student informing the student that he or she will be on disciplinary probation for the remainder of his or her tenure at Athens Technical College, unless the student meets with the vice president for student affairs, at which time may sign for a copy of the letter. If it is determined that the notification constitutes a second acknowledgement by the student, the consequence may result in the student being expelled. If the student acknowledges a second violation in a facilitated discussion or if a student judiciary committee finds a second violation of the policy, the student may be expelled with a notation that the expulsion was for an academic honesty violation.