Catalog 2024-2025

Accuplacer Placement Examination

Applicants seeking admission to associate degree, diploma, and certificates programs must have met minimum exam scores.  Applicants who submit scores that do not meet the minimum requirements or who have not taken the SAT or ACT must take the Accuplacer placement exam or submit official copies of Accuplacer exam scores from another college. Applicants who have successfully completed English and mathematics courses with grades of C or higher at another college will be exempt from the placement examination requirement if they submit official transcripts with their application for admission.

The Admissions Office may admit applicants who have not achieved the minimum exam scores needed for regular program admission on a provisional basis if all other requirements have been met.

The Accuplacer exam is a computer-based, untimed placement test developed by College Board to identify the basic skill levels of students as they enter college. This information is important when selecting appropriate college level courses. The results provided suggest the likelihood of student success in specific college-level courses. The Accuplacer exam measures applicants’ current level of performance in reading, writing, arithmetic, algebra, and math.

Accuplacer is administered throughout the semester.

Upon receipt of your admissions applications, the admissions staff will review the application for current placement exam, SAT, or ACT exam scores or evidence of the completion of college level coursework in English and math. If the applicant does not have evidence of this, the application will be on hold. The Admissions office will then contact applicants by mail with specific instructions to schedule their placement exam. It is the responsibility of applicants to complete the exam during their scheduled appointments.

On the day of testing, applicants must present photo identification to enter the testing session. Applicants are required to arrive on time for testing; they may not be allowed to enter test sessions once testing has begun.

A variety of test preparation materials are available through the Testing Services page, the Accuplacer preparation page, and Athens Technical College Library Services webpage on the college website.

 Applicants who commit acts of academic dishonesty while completing the placement exam will be charged with violating the college’s Academic Honesty Policy.